
The Otara Foundation is committed to responsible, sustainable progress in Sri Lanka. We work toward the common goal of co-existence through empowerment, activism and strategic investment. The Foundation believes in fostering harmony with the natural world, protecting the environment and respecting life and liberty in all its diversity. We believe in Compassion as a guiding principle, and we defend the rights of the voiceless while adhering to our own example of mindfulness in progress.

Latest Posts

  • Puppy petting session at MerlionKids International Preschool

    Embark recently conducted an educational program on kindness and compassion at the Merlionkids International Preschool in Nugegoda. The program involved a puppy petting session where teachers and students interacted with the puppies and were given the opportunity to feed and pet them. The session also focused on creating awareness of

  • Daxon, the animal whisperer, visits Embark

    Allan Dixon, most commonly known as @Daxon on Instagram, the animal whisperer and social media influencer, recently visited the Embark clinic with his team to spend time with Embark’s rescue dogs. He is known for his extraordinary animal photography and unique selfies with animals. He collaborates with tourism agencies and

  • CNVR Program at the Colombo Port and Harbor Date: 24th July

    The Otara Foundation together with Embark and in partnership with the Colombo Port carried out an Education and 5 Day Catch-Neuter-Vaccinate-Release Program for the dogs in the area. The initiative was successfully concluded with a total of 278 Vaccinations and 245 Sterilizations being carried out. The Foundation hopes this program

  • Speech at the Board of Investment at the “Reach the Peak” Program

    Otara Gunewardene was invited to speak at the Board Of Investment’s “Reach the Peak” program held at the Board’s Auditorium. The program is intended to inspire and encourage the BOI staff to reach aspirations they might have. The speech focused on branding, marketing and entrepreneurship where Otara shared stories of

  • Otara Foundation Environment Day Nature Photography Winners Date: 24th July

    The Otara Foundation held a Nature Photography Contest to celebrate World Environment Day 2019.  Congratulations to Amanda Athuraliya, Jegajeevan Muthulingam, Kalana Karunathilake, Prathiba Amugoda, Veena Fernando, Dr. Kalana Pradeep, Sameera Madushanka, Shenal Ganegoda, and Woshitha Abeysekara. The Otara Foundation thanks the contestants for their participation and their great passion and love for Sri Lanka’s natural heritage.

  • Help Create Change: Video Competition

    In commemoration of World Environment Day 2019, which happens on the 5th of June, the Otara Foundation will be offering conscious citizens the chance to help make a powerful video that will create a positive change. Aspiring film-makers can send in their entries under the thought-provoking theme “Towards a plastic-free

  • The Sri Lanka Tamil Women’s Union Women’s Day Award

    Otara was honored with an award in recognition of her outstanding excellence and dedication and kindness to all animals by the Sri Lanka Tamil Women’s Union recently. The colorful event was held in commemoration of International Women’s Day 2019.“Thank you and most of all thank you for recognizing the animals.

  • Chitra Lane School IT Exhibition

    Otara recently visited the new IT Department at the Chitra Lane School for the Special Needs Child. An exhibition was held to showcase the different and unique IT skills of over 250 children using computers and tabs. Around 1,000 children currently receive guidance, therapy and training through the school’s IT

  • Feeding of Hungry Street Animals

    Otara, together with the Animal Rights Protection Force provided a tasty meal to approximately 80 street dogs, cats and crows during a recent feeding program. It was a delicious meal of rice, pumpkin, gotukola, soya meat, yams and mung beans prepared by Otara herself and with the help of some

  • AIESEC Volunteers in Sri Lanka

    Three groups of AIESEC Volunteers from all parts of the world recently visited Sri Lanka to work with Embark over the course of three weeks. They were part of the Paw Prints Program that focused on the importance of creating a better world and living together in harmony with all