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Koskulana Mini Hydro Project alongside Sinharaja Rainforest Buffer Zone
Despite the leaders of Sri Lanka pledging to reduce deforestation during the climate summit, rainforests in Sri Lanka continue to be destroyed at an alarming rate. A new and significant threat comes in the form of mini-hydro projects currently in construction with government approval within protected reserves and environmentally sensitive
World Bio Diversity Day
As an island, Sri Lanka is blessed with vast ecosystem diversity due to its geo-climatic variations. On World Bio Diversity Day Otara spread awareness and highlighted the importance of conserving and protecting all life forms, before it is too late.
World Wetlands Day
Creating awareness across social media on the importance of maintaining our ecosystem and the detrimental impact it can have on in many areas affecting people, animals and valuable habitats, if we dont act now to stop the destruction and polution
The Mount Lavinia Beach Clean Up
Otara joined a group of enthusiastic, young individuals wanting to be a part of the change in protecting and keeping Sri Lanka clean. Over 500 kg of recyclables and trash were collected.
World Environment Day
The campaign aimed to create awareness and highlight the increasing illegal wildlife trade in Sri Lanka which so many people are unaware of which can result in the long term consequences of extinction of entire species. It also created awareness on how society contributes to this cycle of destruction by purchasing
Destruction of Elephant Habitat – Ehetuwewa, Galgamuwa
Wildlife and Nature Protection Society (WNPS) together with Environmental Foundation (Guarantee) Limited (EFL) conducted four site visits from July November 2015. Investigations were carried out to understand the threats posed to the forest and the catchment area by the proposed Commercial Mango Cultivation project. It was noted that the proposed area was
Our Country is Our Home – The Arugambay Beach Clean Up
Otara together with the community conducted a beach clean up in Arugambay. A live stream during the clean up, allowed more than 800,000 of her followers on Facebook access to the event where she highlighted the garbage issue we are facing and the effects of garbage induced marine pollution.
Making a difference in flood affected areas
Bringing hope to many dogs amidst rising flood waters, the Embark Team together with the team from Best Care Animal Hospital undertook rescue operations in areas including Malwana, Kaduwela and Wellampitiya. Over 80 abandoned dogs were rescued and treated. Many were returned to their homes when the water subsided and
Pray for Sri Lanka
Otara, along with the Otara Foundation launched a campaign for Vesak (a festival which commemorates the birth, enlightenment and death of Lord Buddha) to get more people involved in caring for the country. Citizens were asked to light a lamp for the future of those who suffer in captivity, poverty,
The Otara Foundation Supports Environment Foundation Limited
Environmental Foundation (Guarantee) Limited (EFL) has been performing as a pro bono consultant on environmental law and science on behalf of the public, as a means of resolving Sri Lanka environmental issues. To date EFL has intervened in over 1000 investigations and over 200 court cases. Some of these cases