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  • Towards a greener Sri Lanka

    Otara participated in a tree planting program on Independence Day conducted by Aurora Sri Lanka. This initiative was carried out to replace the trees that were cut down for the highway in Balummahara, Kadawatta. This was the second phase of this program. Click here to watch more;

  • Lets not limit independence to a day

    Otara Foundation commemorated Sri Lankas 70 th year of Independence with the concept Let Not Limit Independence to a Day. This explored the idea that freedom should not just be celebrated only on February 4, but through the year and it should be shared by all lives. As a truly

  • Tree Planting with Aurora, Sri Lanka

    Otara recently attended a tree planting program along the Kadawatha/Nittambuwa Highway organized by Aurora Sri Lanka together with the Wildlife Department, Road Development Authority and many caring citizens. All saplings planted are endemic to Sri Lanka, while most are fruit-bearing trees that will provide; food for birds and animals, and

  • Keep Sri Lanka Beautiful

    As one of the Ambassadors for the National Program for 7 Days of Rest in Sri Lanka, Otara recently participated in a garbage cleanup program aimed at; encouraging people to dispose their waste in a more responsible manner, teaching them to maintain cleaner living areas and to find ways to

  • A better life, for all lives

    As Ambassador for the National Program for 7 Days of Rest in Sri Lanka, Otara recently attended an evening of meditation, song and prayer held at the Viharamahadevi Park Amphitheatre. The program was held as a part of a unique global initiative that invites people to practice a way of

  • National Program for 7 Days of Rest in Sri Lanka

    Otara was recently nominated as Ambassador for the National Program for 7 Days of Rest in Sri Lanka organized by Rev. Atureliya Ratana Thero. The initiative is part of a unique global event that invites individuals and communities all over the world to unite in intention and practices that everyone

  • Science Day at Maliyadeva College

    Otara was the chief guest at the annual Science Day held at Maliyadeva College, Kurunegala recently and was recognized for playing a significant part in environmental conservation. Activities included a seminar and quiz round for the Science Day Trophy in which neighbouring schools participated.

  • Otara speaks to the University of Colombo’s School of Computing

    Otara discussed entrepreneurship, business, the environment, animal welfare and most of all the importance of being kind to all lives with more than 250 students at the University of Colombo’s School of Computing.

  • Severe Drought in Mahavilachchiya

    The Otara Foundation distributed aid to several farming families affected by the drought in Mahavillachchiya. The severe drought has taken a toll on the livelihoods of the community of Mahavillachchiya and Otara emphasized the importance of uniting as a nation to support our struggling farming families. Climate change is a