Education. Environment. Enterprise. We believe in propelling progress in Sri Lanka by prioritising Education, Environment and Enterprise in all that we do. By applying these operational priorities to our work, the Otara Foundation manages its varied portfolio of investments.
The Otara Foundation believes in Education as the primary vehicle of long-term change – for self and country. While Sri Lanka has one of the highest literacy rates in the world, the quality of education received through the national school system is not always on par with international standards. In an increasingly fast-paced world, many young Sri Lankans do not have the necessary skills to advance competitively on a global scale. Just as importantly, gaps in fostering moral values at schools can result in cultures of bullying, corporal punishment, cruelty to animals, insensitivity to the natural environment and more. The work of the Foundation includes addressing these gaps by supporting and expanding education platforms beyond the set curriculum to include values and opportunity.
Much of the Foundation’s work requires a shift in perception and for this, educational programs, mentoring initiatives and particularly rural upliftment through investment in reading material and collaborations with expert teachers, have proved particularly effective. The Foundation collaborates with national and international media as well as utilising considerable reach on social media to promote educational initiatives and programs.
In the tropical island of Sri Lanka, threats to the environment are not only numerous, the repercussions are often felt very quickly throughout the island. Flood and draught have become increasingly common in recent times, much of it is caused by unregulated development of catchment areas. The Otara Foundation is dedicated to environmental protection, engaging in activism, mass media communications and community support to reduce the current rate of destruction. The Foundation challenges irresponsible policy at a national level and we support special interest groups and invest in environmental regeneration. The Otara Foundation has collaborated in several successful campaigns, drawing attention to ground realities while knowing that there is much more work still to be done.
The Otara Foundation supports entrepreneurial projects that it considers sustainable and in line with the Foundation’s vision. Our organisation has formulated workshops, consulted on product development, advised, invested and/or encouraged a number of valuable business initiatives in Sri Lanka. Focused on developing the spirit of responsible entrepreneurship, the Foundation advocates that independent financial standing is vital to balanced living, particularly in rural communities. We remain 100% committed to the furtherance of responsible entrepreneurial development in Sri Lanka.